
Black Hole Symphony by Multiverse Concert Series (Family Show)

Black Hole Symphony embarks audiences on a symphonic journey through spacetime, performed by a live chamber orchestra accompanied by stunning, immersive planetarium views. Over the course of the evening, audiences will plunge into deep space riding relativistic jets of plasma, guided through the dense dust torus, broad-line clouds, and ultimately reach the blazing accretion disk on the event horizon of a supermassive black hole. Composer David Ibbett sonified the light of black hole galaxies as musical notes and chords, woven into a dramatic electro-symphonic score that reveals a hidden universe beyond the scope of our eyes. Black Hole Symphony was produced by Museum of Science, Boston and Multiverse Concert Series in collaboration with astrophysicists from the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard-Smithsonian and Black Hole Initiative. Recommended for families and school-age children (age 5 and up). Featuring facilitation by McAuliffe Center education staff.

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