Thursday, February 06, 2025 - 7:00 PM
to Sunday, February 09, 2025 - 9:30 PM
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM See all dates and Times
**Thurs. Feb. 6 @ 7 PM
MICHAEL SINGERVALT: “Murphy’s Son”—A retired Marine, recently widowed, attempts to mend fences with his estranged son before parting forever. Singervalt directs Matthew Jbara (JEFFREY), Brandon Joule (ALLEN), Joe L. Smith (TOM); Susan Hawkins (STAGE DIRECTIONS/FACILITATOR).
**Fri. Feb. 7 @ 7 PM
JEFFREY WEBSTER: “Cassandra”—A couple must deal with the husband's unstable ex-girlfriend. Regina Ford directs Chad Eggen (PHIL MORROW), Eric Everts (GORDON), Ray Hebert (AMIR “JOE” HADDAD), Meagan Jones (MISSY), Marcy Miller (BETSY MORROW), Diana Ouradnik (CASSANDRA “CASSIE” ROSS), and Liisa Rose (BARBARA/MOM/PHYLLIS); John Vornholt (FACILITATOR).
**Sat. Feb. 8 @2 PM
SHARON SURHOFF: “Six Mile Inn”—Pirates and ghosts add comic mayhem to this rollicking tale. Joanne Anderson directs Scott Berg (BLACKBEARD), Ben Dygert (COL. WM. SCOTT), Paul Hammock (HENRI MOUTON), LaNette Khalil (LAVINIA FISHER), Art Lohman (HISTORY TEACHER), John Love IV (MAJOR STEDE BONNE), Craig Ludwiczak (JOHN FISHER), Kira McNeill (BUTTERCUP), and Dan Reichel (MR. STEVENSON); Barb Tobiasson (STAGE MANAGER); Jeffrey Webster (FACILITATOR).
DAVID ROCHON: “Finding Mary Tyler Moore”—In Minneapolis on business with a young colleague, Charlie contemplates life, loss, nostalgia, at the foot of a famous statue. Carl Damhesel directs Eric Everts (CHARLIE), Audrey Ann Gambach (GAYLE/ PASSERBY #2), Tristin McCrocklin (REYNALDO/PASSERBY #3), Kira McNeil (SONYA), and Ricky Sprau (TOM/PASSERBY #1); Liisa Rose (FACILITATOR).
GAVIN KAYNER: “Last Man Standing”—A too-heavy secret is shared to devastating effect. Kayner directs Kevin Chess (VOICES), Meagan Jones (LISA), and Mike Sultzbach (MIKE); Scott Berg (FACILITATOR).
**Sat. Feb. 8 @ 7 PM
MEL HECTOR: “You Never Know”—Addiction, alienation, anger, and guns, make for a toxic mix—oh, and misogyny. Zach Wetzel directs Meagan Jones (SUSAN MIGUEL), Brandon Joule (THOMAS MIGUEL), Courtney Pulitzer (DR. MELODY CARTER), Adrian Cory (LEFTY SARS), Joe L. Smith (DR. MARK MIGUEL), Blayk Sprau (OFFICER 1), Tristan McCrocklin (OFFICER 2); Liisa Rose (FACILITATOR).
**Sun. Feb. 9 @ 2 PM
LIISA ROSE: “Southern Hospitality”—South Carolina battles California in an HOA pet/pet owner fight. Alex Totillo directs Kira McNeill (TIFFY) and Bella Vivante (PATRICIA); TBA (FACILITATOR).
LIISA ROSE: “Savage”—Karma is a bi**h. Alex Totillo directs Adrian Cory (WILL) and Meagan Jones (ELLEN); TBA (FACILITATOR).
SHARON SURHOFF: “Grace”—What family history lingers in inherited antiques? Jeffrey Webster directs Nancy Ekstrom (GRACE) and Meagan Jones (LOUISE); Mel Hector (FACILITATOR).
LESLIE POWELL: “Crossroads”—One dark and stormy night, a young couple come face-to-face with their dangerous future. Esther Almazan directs Scott Berg (OLD EDDY), Eric Everts (YOUNG EDDY), Meagan Jones (YOUNG BONNIE JEAN), and Sydney Flynn (OLD BONNIE JEAN); Ron Pullins (FACILITATOR).
LIISA ROSE: “Ash is to Ashes”—Three sweet old ladies devise a business plan to enrich their golden years. Alex Totillo directs Joanne Anderson (JUNE), Sydney Flynn (EDIE), and Ina Shivack (BETTY); TBA (FACILITATOR).
**Sun. Feb. 9 @ 7 PM
LIISA ROSE: “MIL-ILF”—A new twist on MILF! Scott Berg directs Sydney Flynn (JANICE), Matthew Jbara (GERALD), Meagan Jones (GRACE), Kira McNeill (TAYLOR), and Joe L. Smith (FLIGHT ATTENDANT); TBA (FACILITATOR).
LIISA ROSE: “Fifty-Six”—Every grandmother’s worst nightmare comes to fruition. Scott Berg directs Esther Almazan (DR. ALLIE) and Kim Lowry (CAROL); TBA (FACILITATOR).
SYDNEY FLYNN: “Telling Mrs. Fairchild”—Mrs. Fairchild is getting quite forgetful—or is she? Scott Berg directs Esther Almazan (A WOMAN), Joanne Anderson (MRS. FAIRCHILD), Eric Everts (JERRY), and Kristen Kallen-Keck (LUCINDA); Scott Berg (FACILITATOR).
VINCE FLYNN: Pat’s Story—Pat really wants to be a member of the club. Drew Kallen-Keck directs Kristen Kallen-Keck (PAT); Scott Berg (FACILITATOR).
LIISA ROSE: To Making It Home—A Colonel and his mentee toast to making it home from Afghanistan. Joanne Anderson directs Adrian Cory (LT. COL. JEREMY OAKES), Kira McNeill (SGT. MILLER), and Joe L. Smith (COL. WILLIAM MAYS); TBA (FACILITATOR).
LIISA ROSE: Appendices—A burst appendix? Really, Donald? You couldn’t invent something better? Regina Ford and Jeff Webster co-direct Kira McNeill (VOICE), Jeffrey Webster (DONALD), and Regina Ford (MARJORIE); TBA (FACILITATOR).
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