Need more arts and crafts? The Gulf Coast Artists' Alliance is holding its annual sale of gently used supplies, such as paint, colored pencils, canvas, beads, shells, wood cutouts, fabric, etc. There will also be art, prints, frames, mats, books, equipment, jewelry, and displays, just to name a few. Browse the sidewalk and classroom for great bargains.
If you have a stash of art-related items that you no longer use or need, donate them. Bring items to St. Pete ArtWorks before March 7 during regular open hours: Friday and Saturday 11 am-5 pm.
Mark your calendar now for The Artsy Rummage Sale March 8 from 8am to 3 pm at St. Pete ArtWorks. Buying and donating is a great way to support local art, and GCAA is a non-profit organization.
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