
ACEcon at Palm Harbor Library

Sponsored by the Friends of the Palm Harbor Library. ACEcon is our annual Anime and Comic Enthusiasts Convention. Our goal is to have fans of all ages experience the best things about a big convention but in a less intimidating setting. Start the fun for ACEcon right now by entering one of our contests! Cosplay Contest: If you are 8 or older, come dressed in your best family-friendly cosplay on Sunday to enter! Drawing Contest: Before the Con, submit ONE PG artwork (smaller than 11.5 inches on any side) to the Children's Desk or to our anime club at [email protected]. Make sure to include your name, medium, phone number, and age. Fanfiction Writing Contest: Before the Con, submit ONE PG short story of 3,000 words or less to the Children's Desk or to our anime club at [email protected]. With your entry, make sure to include your name, the fandom your fanfiction is about, your phone number, and your age.

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