These events are really special, and also free and open to the public at Work & Leisure in Midtown! They are only an hour long, 8-9pm.
About our storyteller for this Campfire: David Carnahan has always been someone who serves from his heart. He is a former firefighter/EMT, but due to a suicide attempt in 2012, he is now completely blind. Continuing his love of helping people, he is now working as an assistant administrator for a non-profit based in Florida called The No White Flags Project. David was born in Decatur, Illinois and now lives in Chesterfield, MO. He has two daughters that live in Florida and has an “unofficial” family in Chesterfield and an extra extended family through The Crossing Church. He is currently enrolled at UMSL studying Social Work (BSW) and when his degree is complete, he would like to work in the mental health field. David has been encouraged to tell his story, knowing it can impact many lives. He is now taking steps toward this end. As a Campfire Fellow, he would like to learn how to tell his story in a way that inspires others to care for themselves physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
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