
Off the Page: "Three Ringling Circus"

Like the orange circus peanuts that people either love or hate, John Ringling, his wife Mable and his family made an indelible and sometimes controversial imprint on Sarasota. Along with accompanying photos, author Sandra Gurvis will discuss her just-released book, “Three Ringling Circus,” including the early days of the natives, Blacks and settlers; the origins of the Ringling family and ahead-of-their-time ways of developing their circus; and the massive amounts of finagling that went into the creation of the Art Museum and Ca d’Zan. Juicy and little-known details about the Ringlings’ fabulous lifestyle, their behind-the-scenes heartbreak and triumph and often Machiavellian grab for wealth and power will also be included. Marshmallow circus peanuts will be available for those brave enough to sample them!

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