
Chabad Women’s Circle Pre-Rosh Hashanah Challah Bake

Chabad Women's Circle invites all women and girls age eight and older to join for a Rosh Hashanah challah bake held on Thursday, September 26 at 7:00pm. There will be options to make a apple and honey challah, and a challah centerpiece to adorn your holiday table. As the Challah dough rises participants will be enthralled with new recipes to enhance their holiday table. Cost is $20. For members of the women’s circle the cost is $10. For Rebbetzin Circle members the cost is free. Girls ages 8-17 are free. Consider supporting quality women’s programming by being an event impact sponsor for $250 or an even sponsor for $100. For more information please email Elizabeth Weber at [email protected] or call Sara Steinmetz at 941.925.0770.

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