
ACE – From Retirement to Re-inspirement; Falling Upward into Your True Self

Websters defines "retire" as; 1) withdrawal, 2) retreat, 3) to move backwards, 4) to conclude working. All mark the end of a season of life. But "where do we go from here?" is often the big question that 10,000 baby boomers who reach age 65 every day in the U.S. are asking themselves. Some feel content with living in a new era of recreation, amusement and travel. Others, either by necessity or choice, feel called to a further journey - a so-called "encore" career - to pursue new dreams, a fresh calling, or simply to give back to others. This class will help baby boomers and millennials successfully navigate this monumental transition and change in life seasons. Students will embrace two bestselling books on the topic; Falling Upward by author/teacher, Richard Rohr, and How to Live Forever by founder, Marc Friedman. Together we'll ...*Embark on a heroic journey into a deeper world, where the would finds its fullness and is connected to the whole. *Explore the limiting beliefs, as well as psychological and spiritual truths that will help prepare us for the second half of life to naturally unfold. *Leave this class with a clearer understanding of your True self and a vision of how your special gifts can serve yourself and others in the years and decades ahead.

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