
Crystal Grid Sound Healing Journey with Janna Bowman

✨Crystal Grid Sound Healing Journey✨ with Janna Bowman Breath + Oneness in Capitola Drop-In: $22 5-class Bundle: $100 Walk-ins welcome! _______________________ Janna will guide you through building a powerful crystal grid around your entire body. Heart focused breath amplifies the oscillation of the crystals, cleansing the auric field and transmuting densities in the body. A crystal bowl sound bath supports you in releasing tensions and accessing higher states of consciousness. The entire experience supports wherever you are at on your journey, powerfully amplifying whatever intentions you bring to the session and whatever you are currently working on in life. Come to relax, release, inspire, magnify, and anything else that supports and serves. Come experience the grids and the gentle yet potent energy of crystals! _______________________ About Janna: Janna is certified in both the ancient art of laying on stones through The Crystal Academy of Healing Arts and trained two years to become a Crystal Resonance Therapist with Naisha Ashian & The Crysalis Institute for Personal & Planetary Healing. She’s a Heartmath® Mentor, Reiki II Practioner, a former massage therapist trained in Shiatsu, as well as a holistic Esthetician for 20 years. She’s a clairvoyant, kinesthetic energy worker & channel using alchemy & crystal sound bowls to transform energy. She self published a children’s book called, If Rocks Could Talk®️ & makes small batch organic skincare products in Santa Cruz under her label Skin Gypsy. _______________________ MINDBODY Registration link:

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