
Seal Adventures

Thousands of visitors come to Año Nuevo at this time of the year to watch these incredible animals, as two-ton male elephant seals battle for access to females, and pregnant females give birth to their pups. Normally, time viewing the seals is more tightly limited to accommodate the large crowds of people. Your four-mile roundtrip begins with a walk over bluff trails and rolling sand dunes to the elephant seal viewing area. (An equal-access van and boardwalk, to a primary viewing area, will accommodate people who require assistance.) On the way you will see views of the ocean and Año Nuevo Island, observe the birds and other wildlife, and hear the guttural sound of the bull elephant seals in the distance. Arriving at the viewing area, be prepared for a memorable experience as you survey the beach crowded with hundreds of elephant seals—the males sparring among themselves, females giving birth and nursing their newly born pups, and seals mating before the pups are weaned. Volunteer naturalists and park staff will be there to answer questions about the seals and the park. They will direct you to the best viewing areas and ensure the safety of both you and the seals. Before and after your time with the seals, you may want to explore historic ranch buildings dating back to the 19th century, visit the Año Nuevo Park Store and Marine Education Center, and enjoy free refreshments in the old Horse Barn that now serves as a classroom and meeting area.

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