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Laugh GPT: SF's First AI-Powered Comedy Show

The robot revolution is upon us, and they've infiltrated the world of comedy! Join us for "Laugh GPT," the AI-powered comedy show that might just be humanity's last stand-up hurrah.As artificial intelligence advances, who knows how long our human comedians will be able to hold their ground? At this unique event, our talented comedians have bravely enlisted the help of a joke-cracking AI to deliver an unforgettable night of laughter.Who is funnier? The Humans or our AI-powered Robot? The audience will attempt to determine who is funniest – humanity's fate rests in your hands! Full bar, cocktails, beer, wine + drink specials 2 Drink Minimum 21+ Only Like most comedy clubs there is a two drink minimum to help support the bar/wait staff

Event Links

Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/2849142-0

Website: https://go.evvnt.com/2849142-2

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