
The Last Supper Party - Poetry and Music with Fernando Marti, Duane Forrest and Susan Dambroff

Susan Dambroff Susan is a poet, performer, teacher, and avid doodler. She has published two poetry chapbooks, "Conversations with Trees" and "A Chair Keeps the Floor Down” with Finishing Line Press. She was a finalist for the Gabriel Rico Prize for nonfiction with Reed Literary Magazine. Her work has been published in many literary journals and anthologies including Rattle, Our California 2024, Kelp Journal, Stoneboat, Civil Liberties United, Essential Truths,and Ghosts of the Holocaust, She performs in Spoken Duets, a poetic collaboration with Chris Kammler. They weave and wrangle with words as they give voice to the challenges of living in a body in these tumultuous and hair-raising times. Duane Forrest Duane is a Toronto-based professional singer-songwriter and multimedia artist. Over the past decade, he has released two full-length albums and toured extensively across Canada, Europe, and Central America. His music has received international radio play in countries such as Canada, Germany, Honduras, Iceland, Italy, Nicaragua, and the United States. Fernando Marti Fernando is an Ecuadorian-born poet, printmaker, community architect, and housing activist based in San Francisco. His writing, prints, murals, and altar ofrendas reflect his formal training in urbanism, his roots in rural Ecuador, and his current residence in the heart of Empire. His work inhabits the space between ancestral traditions of place and the construction of a liberatory Latinx Futurism. He is a member of the Justseeds Artists Cooperative, where you can find his art and writing. His work has appeared in publications as varied as El Tecolote, Street Sheet, Geez Magazine, Milvia Street, and Shelterforce, and in a self-published zine called Amor y Lucha. Kimi Sugioka (Curator) Kimi Sugioka is a poet, songwriter, and educator. She is the current Poet Laureate for the City of Alameda, a post that includes creating platforms for the presentation of a diverse variety of poets and spoken-word artists. Kimi also performs her own work frequently throughout the Bay Area. Born in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and raised in Berkeley, California, Kimi has worked in public education for decades, and earned her BA from San Francisco State University and MFA from the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

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