Expand! Awaken Your Inner Mystic is an event that promises to expand your knowledge of your personal Animal Guides, Spirit Communication, Blessings from the Goddess, and Connecting to your Soul Guides. Our visionaries are renowned best-selling authors and experts on connecting to loved ones in spirit, shamanic healing and so much more! This is your chance to dive deep into life's meaning and truly personalized guidance. On Saturday, February 1st your day is filled with not just wholistic information but interactive Q & A panel discussions that will expand your knowledge even further. Optional on Sunday are additional workshops, and a shamanic healing circle to fine tune your complete experience. Now is the time to fully embrace your personal power and authenticity! Discounted Pricing through December. Check website for details. Livestream available.
Event Links
Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/2767105-0
Website: https://go.evvnt.com/2767105-2