
Suichu-megane Japan - My choice, My body (2021) and Anchor (2023) (U.S. Premieres)

my choice, my body and Anchor Suichu-Megane, led by Ayane Nakagawa, is celebrated for its powerful theatrical dance vocabulary and its unflinching exploration of 'freedom' above and beyond contemporary Japanese society." my choice, my body, is a work that incorporates the physicality of Nihon Buyo (Japanese classical dance) and Noh masks. It celebrates the right to make every choice in your life and mine, as well as the destiny we have been given. Anchor tells the story of a woman’s innate mission, desires, and struggles. It portrays societal norms surrounding sexuality and gender, the profound desire to resist them, and the void that accompanies it. 中川絢音率いる『水中めがね∞』は、ユニークで卓越した演劇的ダンスの表現で、現代日本社会の枠を超えた「自由」を追求する注目のダンスカンパニーです。 話題作「my choice, my body,」は、日本舞踊の身体性と能面を用いた作品。「あなたと私の人生のあらゆる選択の権利と与えられた運命を慶びます。」 「Anchor」は、女性が生まれもった使命と欲望と葛藤の物語です。性とジェンダーの規範と、それに抵抗する生への強い願望と虚無を描きます。

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