
Transforming trauma through theatre: documentary film screening

"Visceral" tells the stories of Carissa, Jon, Etiene and Charlie who are living with the impact of complex post-traumatic stress (PTS). They discover that rage, isolation, physical pain, substance abuse, and poor mental health caused by PTS rob them of their health and their will to live. But when they perform in musicals, dramatic theatre and Shakespeare productions, they recapture their vital life force. For them, performing works like nothing else has before. They begin healing by getting the support they need because they’re connected to others onstage, and off. Key PTS neurophysiology themes are presented by Stephen Porges, PhD; Bessel van der Kolk, MD, Gabor Maté, MD, and Michael McBride, MD. These include how PTS affects the nervous system leaving people with PTS to feel constantly in a threat-surveillance state; and, how the residue of unprocessed trauma, “plays out in the landscape of their bodies,” said Bessel van der Kolk, MD. The invisible scars of PTS are embedded viscerally – deep in the tissues of their bodies’ system and begin to affect every aspect of their existence, leading to damaged relationships and shattering hopes for a meaningful life. For more information: This screening is in conjunction with the 2025 Arts+Change Conference presented by the University of Rochester Institute for the Performing Arts. Following the screening there will be a demonstration of Shakespeare with Veterans by the Feast of Crispian. Cost: free

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