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Ewing Forum with Jelani Cobb

Democracy’s Watchdogs: The Essential Role of Journalists in Society Featuring: Jelani Cobb: Dean, Columbia University School of Journalism Is journalism in decline? Or is it just changing its shape? How can journalism adapt to survive and flourish in the age of social media and the 24hr news cycle? With moderator (and fellow journalist) Michael Winship, Dr. Cobb will explore the challenges to our national, state and local journalism, the implications it has on our democracy, and the future of the profession. Equipped with a doctorate in American History, Dr. Cobb brings a rich perspective to our current political landscape and a hopefulness in ushering Journalism through this new age of disinformation and dwindling resources.

Event Links

Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/2648105-0

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