Please join us for an open house at the Clarissa Uprooted exhibit featuring live music from the Nate Rawls Quartet!
Travel back in time as the band performs on a replica of the iconic Pythodd stage and learn about a vital part of Rochester’s past as you explore the history of the city’s once thriving African American residential and business corridor, Clarissa Street.
The Clarissa Uprooted exhibit space is located on the 2nd floor of the Rundel Memorial Library building.
Clarissa Uprooted: Unearthing Stories of Our Village, an exhibit co-curated by Teen Empowerment and Clarissa Street Legacy, offers an in-depth, interactive look at the historic main street of Rochester’s Third Ward neighborhood (now Corn Hill).
Nate Rawls is a multi-talented Rochester-based conductor, trumpeter, composer, arranger, and a member of the Hochstein School of Music’s Jazz Studies department.
This event is sponsored by the Local History & Genealogy Division of the Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County in partnership with Clarissa Street Legacy and Teen Empowerment.
Registration is recommended, but not required.
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