An incessantly ringing cell phone in a quiet café. A stranger at the next table who has had enough of it. And a dead man-with a lot of loose ends. So begins Dead Man's Cell Phone. Dead Man's Cellphone is a work about how we remember the dead – and how that memorialization changes us. It is the journey of a woman forced to confront her presumptions about morality, redemption, and isolation in a technologically obsessed society.
Jean (a woman)..... Ricci Mann
Dwight (Gordon's brother)..... Kurt Nelson
Gordon (a dead man)..... Mario K Sasso
Hermia (Gordon's widow)..... Rachel Hanauer
The Other Woman/The Stranger.....Jhoira Walsh
Mrs. Gottlieb (Gordon's Mother)..... Lucid Clairvoyant
$20 - $40 sliding scale
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