
Stories in the Raw

Please join us for an evening of storytelling for adults with live music and abstract art. The theme this year is "URGES " Special Event at Raw Space Hosted by Xaque Gruber Stories in Raw presents " URGES" , an entertaining evening of adult storytelling and live music. (abstract) URGE, a one-of-a-kind abstract art exhibit, premieres in Vero Beach at Raw Space Gallery. This show features the work of local artists Gabriela Hernandez, Christina Bates, Xaque Gruber, Shotsi LaJoie, Barry Shapiro, and Leslie Stokes, with a unique musical presentation by Aric Attas that will run through the duration of the show. Also, a feature length documentary film about the show and the artists is being shown by the filmmaking team of Ericka and Brandon Reardon. There will be numerous special events presented by the artists during the length of the exhibit.

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