
Introduction to the Enneagram

Why do we do what we do? Have you ever wondered, “Why does that person act that way?” or “Why did I do that? That’s not really me.” Led by Rev. Andrea Andress, Spiritual Director and Certified Enneagram Teacher, this program explores the Enneagram Personality Profile—an engaging, insightful tool you can use to help make your life more fulfilling and less painful. As a powerful tool for spiritual formation, it helps you see yourself and others in the light of how life is instead of just how you want it to be. The Enneagram of Personality Types understands personality from the standpoint of motivation — WHY we do what we do. The Enneagram, pronounced any-a-gram, is a Greek word meaning a nine-pointed diagram. The Enneagram speaks to 9 basic Personality Types understanding not only what we and others do, but why we do it. This greatly enhances our acceptance and appreciation of ourselves and others. It also provides clear direction for continued growth and development as well as how to get past stuck places in our lives. Discovering your type means observing your habits of mental attention, emotion, and behavior, as well as, strategies for how to get what we deem as essential to our survival. It is a map that helps us navigate reality, but it is not reality itself. Knowing your type sets you on a path of deeper understanding of self and others that can assist you in moving past triggers, blocks, and blind spots of personality into a fuller, freer, richer experience of life. We will have lecture, small group discussion and panels of people speaking about what it is like to be their type. Individuals will take an online test before the class to help them determine their type. FEE: $125 per person including lunch. Pre-registration required.

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