
Pirouette: Turning Points in Design JANUARY 26 – OCTOBER 18

Pirouette: Turning Points in Design is an exhibition highlighting design as an agent of change. The exhibition will include a wide range of objects, drawn largely from MoMA’s collection, that have had a deep impact, whether on the design field or on the world at large—including furniture, electronics, symbols, information design, and more—spanning from the 1930s to today. Some of these objects are universally recognizable, while others might be known only to a smaller audience of fans and experts. Some have transformed behaviors, provoked departures from previous typologies and stereotypes, or embodied innovation in materials, form, or function. They have offered unconventional solutions to conventional problems, or designed brand new, constructive problems that lead to new and more evolved studies and solutions. Seen together, the objects in the exhibition highlight how design helps people bring about change, or adapt to it.

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