Members of the Woodmont Amateur Radio Association (WARA) invite the public to their Emergency Operations Center within the Woodmont Borough Hall on Saturday, January 24 from 1-4 pm to view the group’s Winter Field Day (WFD) activities. The Borough Hall is located at 128 Kings Highway in the Woodmont section of Milford. Visitors are welcome to stop by, ask questions, and learn about the exciting hobby of amateur radio and its role in emergency communications. Visitors will also see antennas, radio, and power source equipment in action. You might even get on the air with a licensed operator and learn the meaning of terms such as CQ, QSL, 73 and more.
Winter Field Day (WFD) is a 30-hour hands-on exercise that challenges operators from all over the world to set up stations in diverse environments and make as many contacts as possible, demonstrating the resilience and versatility of amateur radio. Organized by the Winter Field Day Association in 2007, WFD engages thousands of amateur radio operators (hams) and hundreds of ham radio clubs to promote emergency preparedness and the practical application of amateur radio during winter conditions. During this annual event, many participating individuals and clubs go into the field, set up portable stations and try to contact others worldwide. They use a variety of radio frequencies allocated for licensed amateur radio operators.
Operators make contact through voice, digital and Morse code (CW) modes to improve their preparedness for disasters and enhance their operational abilities. This use of radio signals, which reach beyond borders, bring people together while providing essential communication in the service of communities. Amateur Radio field day events highlight ham radio’s ability to work reliably under any conditions from almost any location and create an independent, wireless communications network.
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