
Caught in the Crossfire: the Experiences of the Citizens of Gettysburg Part 1

The Seymour Library welcomes Susan Strumello who is a licensed Gettysburg Battlefield Guide with ten years of experience. She will be presenting two programs for the Library on the little considered part of the American Civil War battlefield experience--the effect on the local populace by the battle. In the summer of 1865 two armies would engage in a decisive battle in and around the small town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania resulting in a total of 51,000 casualties. But what of the people living in the town at the time? What did they experience during the three days of fighting? What happened after the smoke cleared and the armies had withdrawn? Join us at the Library to hear the stories of some of the men, women and children and learn how their lives and town would be changed forever as a reslt. Later in the month on the 26th the talk will continue on the Gettysburg inhabitants after the battle. Call the Library at 203-888-3903 for more infromation. Registration is not necessary for these programs.

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