For the fifth enchanting year, St. Louis Park Friends of the Arts in collaboration with the Westwood Hills Nature Center hosts the third Opening Day Festival for the Trail of Small Wonders on Monday, July 7, 4:30 to 8 pm.
The grand unveiling of the Trail of Small Wonders features a miniature world of tiny handmade dwellings for fairies, elves, gnomes and perhaps a few trolls, as well as butterfly stilt walkers, live music, storytelling, face painting, hands-on art stations, and magic and puppet shows.
Come dressed as your favorite woodland character and meander along the ADA accessible trails to explore the enchanting abodes created by people of all ages in the community. You might discover a little home on top of a tree stump, nestled among stones and moss, or hanging from branches.
Westwood Hills Nature Center is located at 8300 West Franklin Ave. St. Louis Park.
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