You don't want to miss this! The largest annual holistic education event in the Midwest, the Dare to Be Aware Fair offers you the opportunity to explore areas of personal, professional, and spiritual growth to enhance your life.
Dedicated to natural health, human potential, and a chance to connect with other seekers, this is the 16th annual gathering of product and service providers in this field. Share the day with specialists in health and wellness, life coaching and personal growth programs, natural healing, herbs, organic items, animal communicators, sound healers, psychic readings, and so much more. Explore, Discover, and Feel Good! 100+ Exhibits FREE Presentations
“The Fair is the best place in the Midwest to explore the many options for your well-being, physical, emotional, or spiritual. Plan to join us, bring a friend, or a group of friends and have a great adventure! Lunch is available on site, so you can spend the whole day if you want!!”
We have a special section for veterans and admission for veterans is FREE! This is an opportunity to explore alternative modalities for physical and emotional healing, as well as other resources specifically for veterans.
Tickets available now! More information about the fair at
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