
Story Time & Book Signing with Trina Paulus

Challenging and encouraging each of us to become the magnificent butterflies we are destined to be. It is hard to believe that Hope for the Flowers, by renowned ecologist, peace and environmental advocate, and organic food enthusiast, Trina Paulus, is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. This is a book that has transcended boundaries of all sorts and has become a favorite for many--from multiple generations. We can all bring hope to all the flowers we meet. “In this book, two caterpillars get caught up in the fallacy of competition and struggle to reach the top of a caterpillar pile. By journey’s end, however, they learn that their true nature is not one of winning and being at the top, but of going within and emerging as beautiful butterflies who were born to soar.” ―Deepak Chopra "Hope For the Flowers is one of my favorite children's books. Everyone is like a butterfly; they start out ugly and awkward and then morph into beautiful, graceful butterflies that everyone loves." ―Drew Barrymore

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