
LIVE Monthly Masterclass in NYC for Women Entrepreneurs

The Business of WE Invites You To Join Us at a Monthly Masterclass and mastermind on the Last Thursday of the Month, from 5:30-8:30pm in NYC! Next Date: THURSDAY, JANUARY 25th INVESTMENT: Non-Members $47.00 | Members FREE (For integrity and capacity, absolutely no walks-ins. You must be registered on Eventbrite to attend) WE ARE THRILLED TO WELCOME YOU TO OUR MONTHLY MASTERCLASS! We’ve designed our signature monthly Masterclass & Mastermind workshops to support women just like you to navigate through their business and professional challenges using the collective intelligence of others. When you attend a Business of WE event, you FEEL the difference in the room… You know you're in a collaborative space, surrounded by like-minded, supportive women with a forward-thinking entrepreneurial spirit. Our events provide a place to learn, be heard, to share and to connect. By moving forward together, we all become stronger, more impactful entrepreneurs, small business owners and leaders in our communities. We are confident that the powerful conversations created between like-minded women who are committed to growing, evolving and manifesting greatness for themselves and others, will catapult us all to new heights of achievement! LIMITED SPACE AVAILABLE. REGISTER TODAY! Help us expand our network (and yours) by inviting other like-minded women to join you at the event. THE MORE OF US, THE MORE WE CAN ACCOMPLISH! LEVERAGE YOUR TIME & MAXIMIZE YOUR EFFORTS - ARRIVE EARLY! 5:30-6:00pm — Registration & Networking 6:00-6:30pm — Welcome & Introductions 6:30-7:00pm — Special Guest Speaker 7:00-7:30pm — Mastermind Session 7:30-8:30pm — Wrap Up & Networking SPACE IS LIMITED... RESERVE YOUR TICKETS TODAY! INVESTMENT: $47.00 (Non-Members) (For integrity & capacity, please register before registration closes on that Thursday afternoon) No matter where you’re at in your journey, The Business of WE is where dreams are strengthened and WE get inspired. Where compelling masterminding and brainstorms happen, meaningful connections are made and collaborative partnerships are born... Where uncertainty and fear perish and together #WEThrive! Spend an evening with us and experience this unique Mastermind setting. An intimate place and sacred space to share, be heard and be supported. A tight group that stands firmly behind you, holds you accountable and encourages you to just "go for it." We promise you will leave equipped with information, resources and a new sisterhood of like-minded women. RSVP TODAY!

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