The Shamrock Crawl - St Patrick's Day Bar Crawl in Philadelphia
Tickets Now On Sale - see you & your friends there! Be sure to "Like" & "Share" above to help spread the word!!
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Tickets & Prices
30+ Amazing Locations! Pick up your wristbands at these CHECK IN LOCATIONS: Lucky Strike (Center City), JJ Bootleggers (Old City), Paddy Whacks (South Street), Bayou (Manayunk) CHECK IN TIMES Noon-6PM !!!
Are you ready for the St Patrick's bar crawl of your life? The Shamrock Crawl - St Patrick's Weekend and St Patrick's Day Bar Crawl in Philadelphia is happening Thursday March 17th 2022 from 12:00 pm - 6:00PM
This St. Patrick's Day, Thursday March 17th, join us as we venture through the streets of Philadelphia and celebrate our way into 35+ of Philadelphia's top locations throughout the City. This is by far the go-to event this St. Patrick's Day!
The Shamrock Crawl will give you access into 30+ locations, no cover charge all day at all locations plus great drink specials with your wristband. Stay and party all day and well into the night! If that wasn't enough everyone will be given beads at check-in along with plenty of great surprises. We have something for everyone. Just look at all the participating bars and restaurants - they are THE places to be in the city! So, gather your friends.
35+ Amazing Locations! Pick up your wristbands at these CHECK IN LOCATIONS: Lucky Strike (Center City), BRU (Center City, JJ Bootleggers (Old City), Paddy Whacks (South Street), Bayou (Manayunk)
Tradesman's, Finn McCool's Sueno, Howl at the Moon, Lucky Strike, JJ Bootleggers, Paddy Whacks, Cavanaugh's Headhouse, O'Neals, Pulse, Kick Axe, BRU, Top Tomato, Raven Lounge, Five Iron Golf, Cavanaugh's Rittenhouse, Bayou, Cactus, The Post (4pm open), and dozens more! Click here for the latest list of participating accounts: Shamrock Crawl St Patrick's Day 2022 MAP
Absolutely, positively the BEST places to be in the city of Philadelphia on St Patrick's Day!
No Cover & Drink Special
No Cover and Great Drink, Beer, & Shot Specials until 6pm to 35+ Locations for Ticket Holders. Yup, pay a small fee to join The Shamrock Crawl and we have you hooked up - BIG TIME!
Be the Lucky VIP! Grab a VIP ticket that includes 5 complimentary drinks at participating locations.
Entertainment ALL DAY LONG and One Helluva Good Time!
Gather your friends & co-workers. Join us for our St Patrick's Day Bar Crawls!
We remind you to please enjoy yourself responsibly. If at any time you feel like you need a safe ride home, please speak to a bartender or staff member for assistance. No Refunds.
Lucky Strike Philadelphia
1336 Chestnut St | Philadelphia, PA 19107-4525
The area's premier special events. Charity - Galas - Crawls - Beer & Wine Festivals, and MUCH more.
Contact The Organiser