Broadway artist ROOSEVELT ANDRE CREDIT returns to Des Moines Saturday, Feb. 22, 3:00 pm at PLYMOUTH CHURCH in a Benefit Concert for the Grubb YMCA Youth Development Programs. LIFT EVERY VOICE IN LOVE is a celebration of Black music from Spirituals to Gospel and Broadway, united by the Love that gathers us into the Beloved Community. SIMON ESTES, international opera legend, is Honorary Master of Ceremonies, and will do dramatic readings of scripture on music and youth. The Beloved Des Moines Community Mass Choir, from churches across the urban and metro area, will join on several Gospel numbers for a rousing close to the concert!
NO TICKETS REQUIRED, OPEN SEATING. 100% of the Love Offering will go to the Youth Programs of the Grubb YMCA. Or GIVE ONLINE at:
The program is produced in partnership with Ben Allaway and the Thresholds Music Project, Inc., Plymouth Church UCC, Corinthian Baptist Church and the YMCA of Greater Des Moines. For more information call Ben at 515-720-1038 or email at [email protected].
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