Jan. 21, 2025 – The “Latingrass” duo known as Larry & Joe, features two versatile multi-instrumentalists on a mission to show that music has no borders. Experience the convergence of two distinct musical traditions at the Lakewood Cultural Center at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 2, as a feature of the Lakewood Cultural Center Presents 25th anniversary season.
Larry Bellorín and Joe Troop perform a fusion of Venezuelan Llanera music and Appalachian bluegrass on harp, banjo, cuatro, fiddle, guitar, maracas and whatever else they decide to throw in the van. Larry is a legend of Llanera music who hails from Monagas, Venezuela, and met Joe, a GRAMMY-nominated bluegrass artist in 2021. The rest is history - the two were destined to create Latingrass together.
Larry & Joe play “…a beautiful confluence of cultures and musical styles that create a truly new and original sound while maintaining a deep reverence for the traditions that have informed their music,” writes Ken Templeton, with Red Line Roots.
The program, presented by the duo, blends traditions from diverse backgrounds into a story about how music and social movements coalesce. Storytelling, humor, and audience participation are shared in both English and Spanish throughout the show.
Tickets for Larry & Joe can be purchased by calling 303-987-7845, at the Box Office at 470 S. Allison Parkway, or online at Lakewood.org/LCCPresents.
Lakewood Cultural Center welcomes patrons of all abilities. We offer wheelchair-accessible seating, a hearing loop assistive listening system and large print programs upon advance request.
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Para ver este comunicado en otro idioma, lea la publicación en Lakewood.org y seleccione un idioma en el menú desplegable encima de la barra de búsqueda.
Lakewood Cultural Center Presents: Larry & Joe
2 p.m., Sunday, March 2
TICKETING SITE: Lakewood.org/LCCPresents
BOX OFFICE: 303-987-7845
Lakewood Cultural Center
470 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226
Hailed as “one of 10 Colorado arts organizations that get it right” by the Denver Post, Lakewood Cultural Center (LCC) is known throughout the state for its exceptional programming. The 2024-2025 LCC Presents season offers vibrant, multicultural programs from world-class artists in dance, theater, jazz, classical and world music just 15 minutes from downtown Denver. The season is generously supported by the citizens of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD), Colorado Creative Industries (CCI), the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and Creative West (formerly WESTAF).
Event Links
Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/2851285-0