The Company’s February program features Cinderella’s Wedding, choreographed by renowned storyteller, Julia Adam. Diablo Ballet premiered this whimsical ballet in February 2022, which is based on the full-length fairytale ballet and includes the infamous glass slipper, romantic pas de deux with Prince Charming, her Fairy Godmother, and the four seasons featuring the Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer fairies. The romantic score by Sergei Prokofiev reminds us that dreams really do come true.
Also on the program is the Diablo Ballet premiere of legendary dance-maker George Balanchine’s Donizetti Variations staged by Sandra Jennings. This cheerful ballet was created for the “Salute to Italy,” a 1960 New York City Ballet program celebrating the 100th anniversary of Italy’s unification with music from the opera Don Sebastian. Artistic Director Lauren Jonas stated, “I am so honored for Diablo Ballet to have the
opportunity to perform this beautiful, bravura ballet.”
Rounding out the program is an encore presentation of Dr. Magic by esteemed choreographer, Penny Saunders. Premiered in February 2024 and dedicated to a beloved Diablo Ballet friend, this light-hearted, musical, and heartwarming work showcases Diablo Ballet dancers’ multifaceted artistry and contemporary technique.
Cinderella’s Wedding performs February 7 - 8 at the Lesher Center for the Arts, 1601 Civic Drive in Walnut Creek.
Performances: Friday, February 7 at 7:30 pm and Saturday, February 8 at 2 pm & 7:30 pm.
Single tickets are on sale now ($30 - $58) with senior and youth pricing available.
For tickets, call 925-943-SHOW (7469) or visit or
This magical program will enchant all audiences.
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