The Uncanny Attic is an absurdist dark comedy told through puppetry, clowning, dance, live music and an unhealthy dose of death co-created and co-produced by Bazuka Joe and The Bunny Royale (Jennifer Friedrich). It’s a world where catastrophic events happen with utter regularity and its inhabitants, particularly children, are an endangered species.
Cast & Creative Team
Co-Creators: Jennifer Friedrich & Bazuka Joe
Featured Performers: Meaghan Morris, Tyler Garamella, Connor Konz & Eva la Feva
Narration & Live Music: Jill Summers & Sunny Haelstrom
Ensemble Members: Mr. B, Derry Éire, Lady Ve’Lush & Marla Wyrd
Technical Director: ThomAss Edison
Stage Management:Vixen Violencia
Guest Management: Mae Chest
Lights & Sound: Drew Cohen
Stop Motion Animation: Susie Kirkwood
Stop Motion Animation Score: Liam Davis
Make-up Design: Harley Go'Lightly
Poster Illustrations: by Ken Gerleve
Event Links