
Anti-Valentine's Day (under 25 event)

To celebrate NATIONAL CONDOM WEEK, Yollocalli Arts Reach (the youth initiative of the National Museum of Mexican Art) has partnered with sexual health organizations to provide sexual health information to teens & young adults. Join us for an evening of music & dancing, valentine making, art, food, & more! FREE! πŸ–€πŸ’” Anti-Vday Party πŸ’”πŸ–€ Friday, February 7th, 6-9pm National Museum of Mexican Art FREE! (RSVP at ❣️25 & under event❣️ Food, art, music & masquerade! πŸ–€ Galleries open late πŸ–€ Make Valentines πŸ–€ Customize your own masquerade mask & more πŸ–€ Dance Party with @ocelomaitl πŸ–€ Sexual & mental health resources This event focuses on mental and sexual health, healthy relationships, and LGBTQIA issues. It is intended to provide young people with a safe environment where they will not feel the social stigmas or financial burden of getting factual, up-to-date information and resources regarding their health. We hope to help give young people the tools they need to make informed, safe, healthy decisions. Therefore, as a safety precaution, adult attendance is NOT encouraged, but chaperones are welcome, if necessary.

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