turkey and bones and eating and we liked it and other plays from geography and plays by gertrude stein is an evening of performance consisting of four short plays by gertrude stein. Sliding scale tickets are available!
the plays are polybe a curtain raiser, turkey and bones and eating and we liked it, every afternoon a dialogue, and captain walter arnold.
the actors are mikayla de guzman, dina perez, emmacate sauer, andrew seller, and lexy weixel. the plays are directed by seph mozes and staged managed by anna aguiar kosicki, with dramaturgy by rosemary.
gertrude stein wanted to know if a play could be like a landscape, and so do we.
please note that facility theatre upstairs is an upstairs space, which you have to climb two flights of stairs to access. the building does not have an elevator. actors will be unmasked, and will take weekly covid tests during performances. masks are required for audience, and will be provided.
if you have any questions or concerns about attending our show, please email our stage manager at [email protected].
for updates on shows like this, you can follow the director @woolstation on instagram.
Event Links
Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/2910586-0