We have an exciting program coming on January 21, when we will welcome Mepkin Abbey’s David George, Bill Fitzpatrick, former chair of Preservation South Carolina and current director of Sacred Spaces S.C., and Cynthia Gibbs, chair of the Taveau Legacy Committee. for a presentation entitled “Mepkin Abbey and the Sacred Corridor Project: A Place of Significant Ancient Spiritual Practice and Worship.”
The program will spotlight the incredible history at Mepkin Abbey and the work underway on Taveau Church, an historic Black church located near Mepkin that dates back more than 125 years, as well as Berkeley County’s “Sacred Corridor.” Described as a “sacred space for the ages,” Taveau Church is “an eyewitness to our nation’s history and an important site in the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor.”
Look for more details on this program on our blog at
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