
Friendships and relationships

Friendships & Relationships March 4, 2025, 6-8 PM Parent Network 1021 Broadway Buffalo, NY 14212 Do you have a child or loved one with a disability and are uneasy or unsure about their transition into adulthood? Join Parent Network for this IN PERSON, multi session series that incorporates parents/caregivers and youth. Certain sessions the adults and youth join together, and in others, they spend time with their own age cohort! March 4, 2025: Friendships and Relationships: A Conversation - Join us for a discussion about friendships, values, relationships, growing up and self-advocacy. Target Audience: High school age to young adult. youth can attend without adults and vice versa, but the program is best suited when attending with a caregiver. *REGISTRATION IS ONLY REQUIRED ONCE FOR ENTIRE SERIES* REGISTER TODAY! FREE EVENT! Call: 716-332-4170 | Email: [email protected] For media and news interviews regarding the workshop, please contact Kim Kadziolka or Destiny Lopez at 716-332-4170 or please email [email protected] for time sensitive interview inquiries.

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