
Wilton Land Trust Hosts Stewardship Sunday

Join us for a community workday maintaining our trails, removing invasive species, and planting natives. The workday is set for drizzle or shine. Bring what you need to be comfortable: a hat, gloves, boots, water, and tick repellant. Building Community Biodiversity for All Ages By combining education and environmental management, Stewardship Sundays — led by WLCT’s youth interns — is an opportunity for people of all ages to get out there, improve the environment, meet like-minded folk, and take home some skills to apply in their yard and garden. All are welcome, come and join us! "Our Spring and Fall Stewardship Sundays are a great opportunity to gather with friends and family, get into the fantastic outdoors and make a difference to our conserved properties. Wilton has such beautiful properties and it's really rewarding to take on the role of caretakers as a community!" ~ Marlen Clark, WLT Stewardship Committee Chair Being part of a community only starts with where you live, it continues with getting involved. WLCT contributes to the core of our town and being involved with this organization is wonderfully fulfilling." Mike Conway, WLCT Stewardship Committee

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