
Ridgefield Garden Club Annual Conservation Meeting

Changes are afoot in our woods - the old beech in the backyard is in decline, while other new plants and insects make their presence known. Turkeys and deer seem to be everywhere, while songbirds are harder to find. Though their growth is slow to our eyes, forests are dynamic places. How did our woods develop over time? What is on the horizon for the future? Join forester Laura Green to learn about the processes that shape our forests, what we can anticipate going forward, and the opportunities for us to be active stewards of the future we wish for our woodlands. Laura is the Research & Extension Forester for the Yale Forests at the Yale School of the Environment. There, she manages research programs for the Yale Forests' 10,000+ acres of forestland in Connecticut, Vermont, and New Hampshire. She also managed the Yale Forests' outreach program, the Quiet Corner Initiative, which provides support for landowners and programming at the flagship Yale-Myers Forest in northeastern Connecticut. Laura previously worked as a consulting forester and field botanist, serving landowners across Connecticut. She also taught botany and science writing as an adjunct lecturer at SCSU and UConn. Laura is a licensed forester in the state of Connecticut. Please register to attend at

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