
The Filigree Theatre presents SUDDENLY LAST SUMMER by Tennessee Williams

The Filigree Theatre presents... SUDDENLY LAST SUMMER by Tennessee Williams Directed by Elizabeth V. Newman The New York Herald-Tribune writes: "...a girl who has been the sole witness to her cousin's unbelievably shocking death is brought into a 'planned jungle' of a New Orleans garden to confront a family that is intensely interested in having her deny the lurid tale she has told. A nun stands in rigid attendance; a doctor prepares a hypodermic to force the truth; greedy relatives beg her to recant in return for solid cash. Under the assorted, and thoroughly fascinating, pressures that are brought to bear, and under the intolerable, stammering strain of reliving her own memories, the girl slowly, painfully, hypnotically paints a concrete and blistering portrait of loneliness..." (From DPS/Playscripts)  

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