How can art help to improve mental health and wellbeing, particularly in communities of color? Join visual artist J. Travis and art therapist Stacy Blecher for a free conversation on artistry and mental health. Travis will discuss her experiences developing Assuage HER, a local program that provides free tailored art classes to support women experiencing anxiety and stress, with a focus on Black women and women of color. Blecher will then discuss the formal profession of art therapy and how art can be utilized in a structured therapeutic environment. Following this discussion, J. Travis will lead attendees through a guided, hands-on art experience.
This event is free to attend, but registration is required.
This event is presented as part of The University of Akron’s annual Rethinking Race event series. It is presented in partnership with Direction Home Akron Canton and ZipAssist, with financial support provided by the ODHE Mental Health Support grant.
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