Movie Synopsis: In the early 1960s, 19-year-old Bob Dylan arrives in New York with his guitar and revolutionary talent, destined to change the course of American music. Forming his most intimate relationships during his rise to fame, he grows restless with the folk movement, making a controversial choice that reverberates worldwide.
Thursday, February 20, Friday, February 21 & Saturday, February 22 Doors Open: 7pm Movie: 7:30pm
Sunday, February 23 Doors Open 1:30pm Movie: 2pm
Admission: $7 per person, seating is General Admission. Tickets are available in advance at and at the door starting 30 minutes before showtime. Please note that the Canton Palace Theatre does not show movie trailers prior to movies. The movies begin at the designated time.
Rated: R
Run Time: 2 hours 20 minutes
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